Thursday, September 13, 2007

at schoooooool

So I am finally here at Sheridan, and so far so good. the projects i've had thus far are a little frustrating/tedious but the end results are good.
My room mates are now my closest buds, and our class is getting along very smoothly. Last night Metric played at our new student bar (ConneXtion) and they put on a very good energetic show, although my dear friend Chris never got in. we cried for him.
Nothing else is really that new, except that i've been spending money and playing Medal of Honor for hours on end with my room mates so i'll just leave it at that for now.
The picture above is the best print i made last year at Bealart and i found it on the website so i'm sharing it here too. it's inspired by the Jungle Book.

Currently listening to: Flight of the Conchords

Sunday, August 19, 2007

i dream of james jeanie

The Toronto Comics Art Festival was indescribable. After arriving at the college where it was being held, we were imediately emersed in the indie comics kingdom. Tables of comics, art, posters, prints, buttons, postcards and paraphenalia lined the walls and some areas of the centre. the artists cheerfully mingling with the excited attendees, comic euphoria on the faces of every man woman and child in the building, and an overall aura that surrounded the campus, colour: awesome.
My group immediately seperated into teams of two (me and Andrew, and Alex and Grace), and we commenced forth into the main area. I had one ambition for the whole day, but i was patient, and browsed for a while before fulfilling the ultimate goal of he day. I got books signed and oggled at the original pages and the high quality prints. I chatted with the artisists, at times more star struck than a girl accidentally tripping over Clive Owen tying his shoe.
Then, as i rounded a corner into of the many sweetness-filled rooms, i saw him. the modest man behind the pratically bare table sketching silently in someone's sketchbook. James Jean. i let out a silent, beatles fan-girl-esque scream, and took my place in line. after about 15 minutes of waiting in the line and shootin the breeze with the european guy in front of me, it was my turn.
"hey." he says, "just so you know it's like $20 for a quick sketch." pennies, i think to myself. "sure, whatever." i say.
"anything in particular you want me to draw?" he says opening my book to a comfortable page (upside down and backwards). "um..." i cooly hesitate, although i already had my answer ready 15 minutes before, "something NOT Fables"
"sure" he says with a slight smirk.
as he starts i just ask him some general boring questions like how far he came, and what he's currently working on stuff like that. he finishes, i pay him, and get him to quickly sign my copy of Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall (he did the cover and had a story inside) and we smile and say "see ya" and "enjoy the rest of the festival." predictable crap like that. and i leave, still glowing i assume, over to my awaiting friends.
After that blissful experience, i got my stuff signed by Becky Cloonan, and Bryan Lee O'Malley. then i bought a copy of Therefore Repent, by Jim Munroe and Salgood Sam, got them to sign it and left the fest. Andrew had to leave anyways and we were done seeing everything.
we talked about the fest over subs and then Grace, Alex and myself continued our Toronto day by walking an hour down Queen St to go to a craft fair behind some hippy store. it was actually almost worth the heat stroke because i bought really cool handmade wallet, and a cool sticker thing for my ipod.
We then went back to where Alex and Grace were staying, made some suagases and i left to go back to Hamilton.
When i got back to Hamilton i walked to the Westside Concert Theatre where Andrew and i saw Young Galaxy, Most Serene Republic, and Apostle of Hustle. an amazing show to put an end to such an amazing day. walked back to Andrew's and i woke up today and went to catch my bus home. now you're caught up.
Hopefully when i'm at the next TCAF in 2 years from now, I'll be behind one of the tables.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

robin hood, breaking arrows

okay! comic staus: complete!
anyone interested in buying one it's $2! there's 3 stories in it and it has a total of like 25 pages. just contact me!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

behold, the prospects

okay everything is running smoothly on the comic. this is a picture of my desk as it is right now, seriously i just took this picture this morning. the pages at the top of the desk are the penciled pages awaiting inking, the page taped down in the middle is the current one i'm working on, and the ones on the left are the completely inked pages (still need some erasing though).
I'm getting excited to finish this and so far so good, everything is looking pretty much how i imagined it would.
I decided after looking at the old pages of the other comic i was gonna print, that only like 2 of the stories are up to snuff, so this is the new plan: i will publish the 3 stories i like most, including this one i'm working. Since they were each done at a different time of the year and there's 3 different seasons taking place in the stories i decided to call it (this is great) "Three Seasons In A Year". i like the title but if you think i could call it something else lemme know cuz i suck at that kind of thing.
I splurged on a copy of Flight Volume 4 yesterday and so far i've not been disappointed. These guys do a grrrrreat job of making comics and each volume has been worth the investment (the newest one will set you back 32 bucks!). I see them as text books, litererary and artistic tools i hope to be able to learn from, and i think so far i have. they're even just great inspiration to make comics.
That's all for now, i'd better get back to that desk and get to work if i ever wanna finish this thing.
currently listening to: Young Galaxy, Interpol, Dinosaur Jr, and Handsome Furs

Monday, July 02, 2007

If your looking for a cowboy, you've found one

ok so my next comic is now in the making. i can hear your silent shouts of joy.
If all goes according to plan (mwa ha ha ha ha ha!!!) it'll be out before the end of the summer... if i ever get the motivation to go upstairs and actually work on it.
i wont tell you what's it about cuz that way you'll get all excited with anticipation and such, and in theory, want to read it more.
also i'll be making copies of that other comic i made last summer/winter that i never actually printed. it's got some short stories in it.
so oh my god now you have two comics to get excited about paying money for!! yes that's right (a kid's gotta eat!). they'll be dead cheap though, i promise.
i'll be posting the cover to the next book in the next few days or so.... i'm still thinking for a title for it.

currently listening to: Sparklehorse

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

look out, it's the druuuuuuugs!

hey ho dontcha know. will if you don't i'll tell you. i have been blog surfing recently (friends, artists, random angry people) and decided to post. not a lot to say just wanted to post that picture of a shirt i silkscreened way back when, and give a quick update. hold onto your haircuts.

i found a place in oakville to live while i go to school. it's a basement apartment and it's not "yuge" (as the donald would say) but it suits us fine. and the landlords seem pretty cool too.

i haven'yt really been working on any new art projects cuz i've been out of ideas for a while now. i need some inspiration. if you have any helpful hints about what i can do, or where i can go to get inspired, please hlep me out. my future would appreciate it. that is all for now. enjoy your summer everyone. maybe i'll start posting more often. dont get your hopes up though.

currently listening to: M. Ward, Grizzly Bear, Harry and the Potters, aaaaannnnd psh.... uh... let's say....pete yorn

Monday, April 02, 2007

stick to your guns...cuz they like being touched!

oh my gaad. i'm posting. people told me they were coming back here and being like "awww. drew sucks cuz he doesn't post". which means, i have fans. yaaaay.

so loyal fans, yes both of you, i'm back (again) and i will post new art (gasp!) and give you an update.

iiiiii got into sheridan for illustration. yaaaay! i am excited. lets hope all goes according to plaaaan.

i'm reading this dopin book about the fictional zombie war called "world war z" by max brookes. it's got like eyewitness accounts and stuff. zombies kick ass.

i started drivers ed. anyone i owe rides to can sign up on the doors of city hall. just write on the glass. it's cool i already talked to the mayor.

currently listening to: the sunset rubdown