Saturday, December 17, 2005

stolen clothes

so between making christmas cards, and school, and having to redo a commission, i've been really busy. I 'm gonna really love the christmas break.

I recently got a copy of the Tenth Anniversary Calvin and Hobbes collection. It's really cool cuz there's an original introduction and conclusion by Bill Watterson, plus captions underneath some comics explaining the inspiration, or why it was drawn. It's really helpful for a couple of projects, AND my life's ambition because Watterson's words are words to live and die by if you're a cartoonist.

And if you've got $200 lying around, or under the couch cushions, the complete Calvin and Hobbes box set compiles every strip ever printed into three hardcover volumes. It weighs literally like 30 pounds, and can be found at most bookstores. I hear Costco's got it for $119, so i might pick it up there after christmas.

Currently listening to: Colin Meloy -- Jack The Ripper

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how about that tenth commandment