Saturday, February 18, 2006

mostly trouble

Today i cleaned out my closet, and that took me most of the day. it was tres messy. it was like looking through a five foot by five foot by two foot time capsule. I came across so many old drawings, and doodles, and many other little trinkets of my childhood and highschool career.
The coolest thing i found was my very first sketchbook.

Yesterday was a long kinda weird day. i was done school at like 11 am, and had nothing to do afterwards except get into trouble. which i did.

there'll be comic soon.

Zen Album of the Day: Cat Power -- The Greatest


Anonymous said...

I bet you got high in some sketch van, in some sketch parking garage,in some sketch town, with some sketch friend. Am i close?

Anonymous said...

Nah, I bet he was just being his old breath taking, too attrative for public self.

Drew said...

you're both very close. anonymous #2 is clearly closer.

Anonymous said...

It's a given. How is it that you are single? Boggles the mind it does.

Anonymous said...

i have gotten wind that he is taken.

Anonymous said...

fools! anonymity gives you nothing!

reveal yourselves!

Anonymous said...

When the time is right Burke, when the time is right. And right now, anonymity is giving me my identity.

Taken you say? And by who exactly?

Anonymous said...

someone who is no one is everyone. everyone has no identity!

Anonymous said...

Ok. Thats fair.

But whos the lucky lady?

Drew said...

I know this site is a place for me to talk about some aspects of my personal life, but not all aspects...

Anonymous said...

I'm the lucky lady.

Anonymous said...

(sorry Drew)

And who might you be?

Anonymous said...

bwahahahaa the irony

Anonymous said...

Vomit all over your mothers.