Tuesday, July 11, 2006

i apologize for my posts not being very exciting lately, i'm kind of too lazy to sit here and type about what's happening.
thanks to all y'all who came out to the show and bought stuff. You've provided me with enough income to last the rest of the week, and being jobless right, i am eternally grateful
i saw Pirates of the Carribean 2 and Cars, the other night at the drive in. we left halfway through cars cuz it started to rain really badly. Pirates, was really good. it was just so cool, how they did everything, and how excited it made me. i haven't seen a good non-stop action movie since Lord of the Rings. Cars was ok, it wasn't really anything too special. i thought the animated short before the movie started was better than the amount of the movie i saw.

last night i rekindled my love affair wih the film Donnie Darko, and if anyone out there still hasn't seen it, go buy it and watch it 8 times in a row. it's a great film and always will be.

currently listening to: nothing. if you have any suggestions i'd appreciate it. i need some new tunes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you haven't gotten the new Fiest cd - open season, it's fab. : )