Sunday, January 15, 2006

put it in your laundry basket

this was the worst weekend in the history of weekends. when our grandchildren ask if we were alive during the second weekend in January 2006, we will say "yes unfortunately." and they will be astonished we ever survived something that bad.

By the way this weekened is now a deeply repressed memory, so never metion it to me again or you'll undo all of the therapy.

Currently listening to: Careful where you stand -- Coldplay


Anonymous said...

the problem is people have too high expectations for saturday nights and too low expectations for monday mornings.

moderation, friends. stay up late, wake up late, and read the bible.

Anonymous said...

so for once, you can look forward to monday.

Anonymous said...

what a dirty thought.

Dear Lovey Heart said...

keep on trekkin

Anonymous said...

so how about those politicians

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I didn't call you back today (Saturday) but my phone isnt working again.