With everything i have to do, it's so hard to prioritize what's more important. And even if i do figure that out, it's not like i'd actually do the important things first.
I'm currently working on a short comic for Heather and Anja's Zine they have to do for Writer's Craft, and it's coming along nicely.
This picture was taken of my desk yesterday and i've since finished the above page, and i'm satisfied. I have a lot of school work to do also, but don't worry folks, i'll fit it in.
A couple nights ago the original Planet of The Apes (1968) was on TV and i stayed up until like 3 am to watch it. I thought it was actually incredibly good. So then last night i watched the 2001 remake by Tim Burton, because i own it ( i found it in a park near my house a couple years ago) and i have to say it totally blew.
This is what i think they should do: take the original 1968 script, add all the latest technologies like cameras, CGI, makeup, sets, and then throw in some GOOD actors (none of this Mark Wahlberg business), and you have an excellent remake. recipe for success baby.
currently listening to: Feel Good Inc. -- Gorillaz (thanks anja)
that is what they said about star wars and the 1977 1980 1983 editions are freaking more awesome.
i guess i just love the old school models over computer generated stuff.
excuse me....Mark Wahlberg... is awesome, well... at least in the Italian Job.. cause I haven't seen either Planet of the Apes. Some film student I am. :)
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