Monday, August 21, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
i don't live here anymore
i started a livejournal back in june. i've decided to start using it instead of this site. i'll still be posting art, and telling all of you devoted fans what i'm up to, it just won't be here.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
i apologize for my posts not being very exciting lately, i'm kind of too lazy to sit here and type about what's happening.
thanks to all y'all who came out to the show and bought stuff. You've provided me with enough income to last the rest of the week, and being jobless right, i am eternally grateful
i saw Pirates of the Carribean 2 and Cars, the other night at the drive in. we left halfway through cars cuz it started to rain really badly. Pirates, was really good. it was just so cool, how they did everything, and how excited it made me. i haven't seen a good non-stop action movie since Lord of the Rings. Cars was ok, it wasn't really anything too special. i thought the animated short before the movie started was better than the amount of the movie i saw.
last night i rekindled my love affair wih the film Donnie Darko, and if anyone out there still hasn't seen it, go buy it and watch it 8 times in a row. it's a great film and always will be.
currently listening to: nothing. if you have any suggestions i'd appreciate it. i need some new tunes.
thanks to all y'all who came out to the show and bought stuff. You've provided me with enough income to last the rest of the week, and being jobless right, i am eternally grateful
i saw Pirates of the Carribean 2 and Cars, the other night at the drive in. we left halfway through cars cuz it started to rain really badly. Pirates, was really good. it was just so cool, how they did everything, and how excited it made me. i haven't seen a good non-stop action movie since Lord of the Rings. Cars was ok, it wasn't really anything too special. i thought the animated short before the movie started was better than the amount of the movie i saw.
last night i rekindled my love affair wih the film Donnie Darko, and if anyone out there still hasn't seen it, go buy it and watch it 8 times in a row. it's a great film and always will be.
currently listening to: nothing. if you have any suggestions i'd appreciate it. i need some new tunes.
Friday, July 07, 2006
indie-media fair
tomorrow is the day! screw sunfest! come to the forest city art gallery on talbot street across from the JLC for indie-media fair!!
the show is from 12-5 and there will be tons of independent media from zines and comics, to silkscreened prints and photos!! i'll be selling watercolours, ink drawings, comics, buttons, and taking orders for some sick tshirts. everything is super affordable. if you've ever wanted the chance to purchase some orignal art (especially by me) then come out and purchase your little hearts out. i'll even be selling some of the stuff i've posted on this very site!
so come on down, say hi to me (and buy art) and all the other cool artists.
the show is from 12-5 and there will be tons of independent media from zines and comics, to silkscreened prints and photos!! i'll be selling watercolours, ink drawings, comics, buttons, and taking orders for some sick tshirts. everything is super affordable. if you've ever wanted the chance to purchase some orignal art (especially by me) then come out and purchase your little hearts out. i'll even be selling some of the stuff i've posted on this very site!
so come on down, say hi to me (and buy art) and all the other cool artists.
Monday, July 03, 2006
scribbled out words
so i've been working me arse off for the art show coming up on saturday, trying to get a whack load of stuff together, hopefully i'll have t-shirts, buttons, comics, and maybe some watercolours. please come out and buy my aaaaart!!
i think i'm getting sick.
currently listening to: The Marshals are Dead by Bloc Party
i think i'm getting sick.
currently listening to: The Marshals are Dead by Bloc Party
Monday, June 26, 2006
hun onedred
this is my 100th post.
So the show in toronto was freakin mind-blowing, i had a great time, and all the bands were amazing. everyone put a lot of energy into their preformances, and the energy given in return from the crowd was equally strong. It was long day with lots of standing, and sweating, but it all paid off in the end.
i'll post art soon, it's not like i have anything else to do.
So the show in toronto was freakin mind-blowing, i had a great time, and all the bands were amazing. everyone put a lot of energy into their preformances, and the energy given in return from the crowd was equally strong. It was long day with lots of standing, and sweating, but it all paid off in the end.
i'll post art soon, it's not like i have anything else to do.
Friday, June 23, 2006
pillow smite
whoa i actually have news. gasp.
On July the 8th The Forest City Art Gallery is holding an open Indie art show and i gots a table with the lovley lulu and Rachel, photographers extrodinaire. They will be selling prints, and i will be selling mini comics, and original watercolours and comic pages. hmm. maybe i'll make some buttons too...
but more on that to come.
Flight 3 will be out on June 27th, and i cannot wait. if someone wants to buy it for me, that'd be awesome.
BSS, and all them is tomorrow. i can't believe it's only one more sleep!!
Currently listening too: Aside by the Weakerthans
On July the 8th The Forest City Art Gallery is holding an open Indie art show and i gots a table with the lovley lulu and Rachel, photographers extrodinaire. They will be selling prints, and i will be selling mini comics, and original watercolours and comic pages. hmm. maybe i'll make some buttons too...
but more on that to come.
Flight 3 will be out on June 27th, and i cannot wait. if someone wants to buy it for me, that'd be awesome.
BSS, and all them is tomorrow. i can't believe it's only one more sleep!!
Currently listening too: Aside by the Weakerthans
Monday, June 19, 2006
exaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaams suck. weakerthans tonight, broken social scene, feist, and bloc party on saturday.woot woo. keep it fresh.
Friday, June 09, 2006
mercury medicine

i know that the top of this picture seems cut off, but that's actually just poor judgment in how i placed it on the page. i drew it too close to the top of the page, so this is how it ended up looking.
things have been pretty lax lately. i've been doing the little schoolwork there is, and looking for a job, but that's about it. prom is on the way, and i have mixed feelings about that whole thing. nothing's seems to be set in stone yet.
i have really bad sunburn on my back and it effin hurts, but it's turning into a nice tan.
Currently listening to: The Great Salt Lake by: Band of Horses
Saturday, June 03, 2006
colours change

last weekend i bought a new sketchbook, a smaller one, to carry around with me everywhere i go. I chose a smaller size because it's compact and lightweight, and i think smaller ones just cool anyways. So i've been filling this book up with drawings and comics and sometimes the odd journal entry. I drew this picture of a landscape while i was in lit class last week, and this guitar is one i'm learning to play on, so i thought i'd post them.
That comic i thought was due friday was actually due monday, so i'll be pulling that all-nighter tonight. woo. i'm already sleep-deprived so this should be fun.
For my b-day geoff got me tickets to see Broken Social Scene, Bloc Party, Feist and some others in Toronto in a couple weeks, and i have to say that i'm psyched out of my head.
I'm currently reading, and almost finished, Douglas Coupland's new book JPod. So far it surpasses anythig i've read by him. His style is awesome, and his characters are so three-dimensional you can almost touch them. I reccommend it.
currently listening to: Photograph the Ancestors -- Tracker
what do we do with ten baby shoes?
Monday, May 29, 2006
hot and bothered
man am i hot. my house is a sauna right now. we're turning on the central AC in my house like tomorrow or something, but for tonight, it's another night on top of the sheets in nothing but boxers. oh yeah!
anyhoo besides that off-handed comment about how i sleep, there's really not much else to report, but i was sick of looking a t the same post every time i come to this site. I need to post some art, but you have no idea how much of a task getting the scanner out is right now. I got a smaller sized sketchbook on the weekend and have been filling its pages with random drawings, and some comics will also go in there. I have a comic to do for friday for school and that's gonna be one hell of an all-nighter on thursday, so i'm looking forward to THAT.
I bought Bryan Lee O'Malley's latest Volume of Scott Pilgrim (vol 3), and it was excellent, i love that series. it's HILARIOUS. go buy it right now. it's only like 18 bucks canadian for a copy. which is good. other than that i haven't been reading many GNs (that's Graphic Novel for all you non-geek folk) lately that are worth me mentioning.
i'll try to post some art soon
currently listening to: Portions of Foxes by Rilo Kiley
anyhoo besides that off-handed comment about how i sleep, there's really not much else to report, but i was sick of looking a t the same post every time i come to this site. I need to post some art, but you have no idea how much of a task getting the scanner out is right now. I got a smaller sized sketchbook on the weekend and have been filling its pages with random drawings, and some comics will also go in there. I have a comic to do for friday for school and that's gonna be one hell of an all-nighter on thursday, so i'm looking forward to THAT.
I bought Bryan Lee O'Malley's latest Volume of Scott Pilgrim (vol 3), and it was excellent, i love that series. it's HILARIOUS. go buy it right now. it's only like 18 bucks canadian for a copy. which is good. other than that i haven't been reading many GNs (that's Graphic Novel for all you non-geek folk) lately that are worth me mentioning.
i'll try to post some art soon
currently listening to: Portions of Foxes by Rilo Kiley
Monday, May 22, 2006
rock on

With everything i have to do, it's so hard to prioritize what's more important. And even if i do figure that out, it's not like i'd actually do the important things first.
I'm currently working on a short comic for Heather and Anja's Zine they have to do for Writer's Craft, and it's coming along nicely.
This picture was taken of my desk yesterday and i've since finished the above page, and i'm satisfied. I have a lot of school work to do also, but don't worry folks, i'll fit it in.
A couple nights ago the original Planet of The Apes (1968) was on TV and i stayed up until like 3 am to watch it. I thought it was actually incredibly good. So then last night i watched the 2001 remake by Tim Burton, because i own it ( i found it in a park near my house a couple years ago) and i have to say it totally blew.
This is what i think they should do: take the original 1968 script, add all the latest technologies like cameras, CGI, makeup, sets, and then throw in some GOOD actors (none of this Mark Wahlberg business), and you have an excellent remake. recipe for success baby.
currently listening to: Feel Good Inc. -- Gorillaz (thanks anja)
Sunday, May 21, 2006
DaVinci in da house
So i saw the DaVinci Code tonight with my pops (thanks daddio), and i have to admit i had high hopes for it. Despite what the critics were saying I thought maybe, just maybe they were being too hard on it. But I was wrong. It kinda sucked.
It was ok at first, it started out rather well, i didn't even mind the poor casting, but then it just spiralled downhill. Everything was kind of dragged out, I found myself yawning all the time, the funniest time being when I yawned rather loudly just after the climax. And, I thought it was too scripty. Nothing sounded original, people just don't talk like that.
The acting was not that great, in fact I don't really like Tom Hanks in this role, at all. And the history got lost in the fiction, and yes there was some real history. I like gothic arcitechture (sp?), but if i see the inside of another catholic church i'm gonna kill myself
Also, Smart Car chase scenes just look dumb.
I could go on, but i'm tired, and this movie isn't worth any more of my time than what i spent watching it.
A good story, but too much bad acting and cheesy dialogue make this movie a think-about borrowing-it-after-your-friends-rent-it, kind of movie.
The DaVinci Code: 2 out of 5 stars.
If you're looking for a good Dan Brown book though, look no further than "Angels and Demons". It was a MUCH better read than "DaVinci Code":
It was ok at first, it started out rather well, i didn't even mind the poor casting, but then it just spiralled downhill. Everything was kind of dragged out, I found myself yawning all the time, the funniest time being when I yawned rather loudly just after the climax. And, I thought it was too scripty. Nothing sounded original, people just don't talk like that.
The acting was not that great, in fact I don't really like Tom Hanks in this role, at all. And the history got lost in the fiction, and yes there was some real history. I like gothic arcitechture (sp?), but if i see the inside of another catholic church i'm gonna kill myself
Also, Smart Car chase scenes just look dumb.
I could go on, but i'm tired, and this movie isn't worth any more of my time than what i spent watching it.
A good story, but too much bad acting and cheesy dialogue make this movie a think-about borrowing-it-after-your-friends-rent-it, kind of movie.
The DaVinci Code: 2 out of 5 stars.
If you're looking for a good Dan Brown book though, look no further than "Angels and Demons". It was a MUCH better read than "DaVinci Code":
Thursday, May 18, 2006
night fisher

Although this book took me no time at all to read the art of the interior pages is breath-takingingly simple, yet so provocative you become lost within the brush-strokes. I was a little disappointed by the ending, but upon further evaluation i think it suits it.
It's a great book and a "mature depiction of immature lives." it says that on the back.
it's good so go buy it yo.
i've been thinking fo ideas for part two of "clicks" but that's all at the moment, i just have too much other stuff to do right now.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
So I finished the comic. i have mixed feelings about it.
I went to kinkos on thurday and got a couple printed just to see how it will look. looks good enough for me. If you want a copy it'll be a buck, and you can see me if you want one. It's called "Clicks", and it's part one of a larger story, that i'll prolly never finish, but if the "public response" is a good one i'll try and finish it. I never posted the cover because i'm going to change it. The final cover will up here next week. I gave a copy to a guy at a yard sale my fam was having today. He bought some of my old superhero comic books so i threw it in, since he bought quite a few. he seemed enthused about it.
Man i sound like i'm trying to be pro or something. I'm not trying to be pro, I'm just trying to get my work "out there", and hopefully people like it.
Currently listening to: This Temporary Life -- Death Cab for Cutie
I went to kinkos on thurday and got a couple printed just to see how it will look. looks good enough for me. If you want a copy it'll be a buck, and you can see me if you want one. It's called "Clicks", and it's part one of a larger story, that i'll prolly never finish, but if the "public response" is a good one i'll try and finish it. I never posted the cover because i'm going to change it. The final cover will up here next week. I gave a copy to a guy at a yard sale my fam was having today. He bought some of my old superhero comic books so i threw it in, since he bought quite a few. he seemed enthused about it.
Man i sound like i'm trying to be pro or something. I'm not trying to be pro, I'm just trying to get my work "out there", and hopefully people like it.
Currently listening to: This Temporary Life -- Death Cab for Cutie
Monday, May 08, 2006
boredom flies at sea level
So i'm half-way there. 4 out of 8 pages fully inked. (yay).
only thing left now is the cover to be drawn/inked, the rest of the pages to be inked, and the lettering. then i'm off to kinkos or somewhere of that nature. I haven't even thought of a title yet, but i have tentitive ones. I need money too....
Currently listening to: Red house Painters -- Things Mean a Lot
only thing left now is the cover to be drawn/inked, the rest of the pages to be inked, and the lettering. then i'm off to kinkos or somewhere of that nature. I haven't even thought of a title yet, but i have tentitive ones. I need money too....
Currently listening to: Red house Painters -- Things Mean a Lot
Thursday, May 04, 2006
hooray for headway
so i actually pencilled 8 pages of a comic from some thumbnail sketches today. it took about 3 hours, but they're done. it's a short story about two people on a little road trip.
finally some inspiration, although i'm not sure where it came from. i think it came from when i was thinking about last summer, and the flat tire incident during our little camping trip. one thought lead to another, and voila: story.
I'll keep you posted on how it's coming. I'll prolly do some inking tonight, maybe finish the lettering.
more to come.
currently listening to: a lot of the shins for some reason
finally some inspiration, although i'm not sure where it came from. i think it came from when i was thinking about last summer, and the flat tire incident during our little camping trip. one thought lead to another, and voila: story.
I'll keep you posted on how it's coming. I'll prolly do some inking tonight, maybe finish the lettering.
more to come.
currently listening to: a lot of the shins for some reason
Thursday, April 27, 2006
did you order a solution?
So i haven't really been drawing comics lately. i've been getting some ideas and crap, but nothing good enough to make anything i wanna spend massive amounts of time/money on.
In Art class for my culminating activity, i've decided to make a comic book (surprise) but the only problem is i don't have any ideas for something that could easily fall into my capability zone, writing/drawing-wise. The only ideas i do have are either too vague, too broad or the plotlines just don't go anywhere. I'll think of something though.
I dunno if anybody's taken a closer look at the new Central Rugby t shirts, but that's my design on the front. it turned out better than i thought it would. i'm actually really happy. it looks goood.
If anyone can make it this weekened to toronto, the Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon is being held at the National Trade Center, and some pretty sweet guests will be there, not to mention all the cool comic swag. Kean Soo, Becky Cloonan, Hope Larson & Bryan Lee O’Malley, Raina Telgemeier and Michael Cho will all be there, so go check'em out! Kean's table will be the one with the big Flight Vol. 3 poster, and will be promoting that book which is due out in june
unfortunately i cannot make it, cuz i gots no ride.
that's all for now i guess. i'll keep you updated on the progress of me trying to think of/draw the comic. and i promise i'll finish it tihs time... i have to if i want a good mark.....
In Art class for my culminating activity, i've decided to make a comic book (surprise) but the only problem is i don't have any ideas for something that could easily fall into my capability zone, writing/drawing-wise. The only ideas i do have are either too vague, too broad or the plotlines just don't go anywhere. I'll think of something though.
I dunno if anybody's taken a closer look at the new Central Rugby t shirts, but that's my design on the front. it turned out better than i thought it would. i'm actually really happy. it looks goood.
If anyone can make it this weekened to toronto, the Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon is being held at the National Trade Center, and some pretty sweet guests will be there, not to mention all the cool comic swag. Kean Soo, Becky Cloonan, Hope Larson & Bryan Lee O’Malley, Raina Telgemeier and Michael Cho will all be there, so go check'em out! Kean's table will be the one with the big Flight Vol. 3 poster, and will be promoting that book which is due out in june
unfortunately i cannot make it, cuz i gots no ride.
that's all for now i guess. i'll keep you updated on the progress of me trying to think of/draw the comic. and i promise i'll finish it tihs time... i have to if i want a good mark.....
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
white spider stars
This week a couple of honorable mentions need to be made.
Death Cab for Cutie released their "Directions" DVD, which contains a music video for each of their songs off of their newest album "Plans". Graphic novelist Jeffery Brown was one of talented individuals who got his images animated for the Your Heart is An Empty Room video on the DVD. I'm a huge fan of his work, but i gotta say, i'm not a fan at all of "Plans". not at all.
Also, the folk-ish band Calexico released their new CD this week which features awesome cover art from the amazing illustrator James Jean .
I think it's awesome when great music and great art team up to make an ultra-creation.
I hope someone asks me to design their CD cover one day...
Death Cab for Cutie released their "Directions" DVD, which contains a music video for each of their songs off of their newest album "Plans". Graphic novelist Jeffery Brown was one of talented individuals who got his images animated for the Your Heart is An Empty Room video on the DVD. I'm a huge fan of his work, but i gotta say, i'm not a fan at all of "Plans". not at all.
Also, the folk-ish band Calexico released their new CD this week which features awesome cover art from the amazing illustrator James Jean .
I think it's awesome when great music and great art team up to make an ultra-creation.
I hope someone asks me to design their CD cover one day...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
spilling sawdust
Saturday, April 01, 2006
cribbed to death
So i was watching MTV because there's a free preview for it on right now, and i have to say it is the stupidest channel on the face of the planet. It is called Music Television right? where is the music?? besides the crappy hip hop songs they play in the backgrounds of all their dumb shows, that are usually about rich, hollywood princes and princesses, with absolutely NO self-respect.
The worst show is "Super Sweet 16" or something like that. They follow some rich bitch around while she plans her sixteenth birthday using daddy's credit card. I would write about all the things i hate about it but that would be A LOT of writing. If you ever get a chance to watch it, you'll know exactly why i loathe it.
The worst show is "Super Sweet 16" or something like that. They follow some rich bitch around while she plans her sixteenth birthday using daddy's credit card. I would write about all the things i hate about it but that would be A LOT of writing. If you ever get a chance to watch it, you'll know exactly why i loathe it.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
don't panic
Monday, March 20, 2006
under the moorish wall
i made another one. it's just so fun. everyone go try it. NOW!
i have quite a bit to do this week. if online school doesn't kill me, i'll buy you all ice cream.
i rekindled my love with the film "American Beauty" last night. it has everything that makes a movie great.
currently listening too: Trouble -- Elliott Smith
i have quite a bit to do this week. if online school doesn't kill me, i'll buy you all ice cream.
i rekindled my love with the film "American Beauty" last night. it has everything that makes a movie great.
currently listening too: Trouble -- Elliott Smith
Saturday, March 18, 2006
into the night
hahaha this thing is sooo cool.
mine's called "into the night".
mine's called "into the night".
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
i spent about 20 ninutes today looking at the surface of mars. neat stuff
Saturday, March 11, 2006
three black chairs
i am sooooo bored.
Good graphic novels that have been made into good movies. check'em out
From Hell
Ghost World
Road to Perdition
American Splendor
Sin City
A History of Violence
V for Vendetta (coming soon)
can't stop listening to: The Professor -- Damien Rice
Good graphic novels that have been made into good movies. check'em out
From Hell
Ghost World
Road to Perdition
American Splendor
Sin City
A History of Violence
V for Vendetta (coming soon)
can't stop listening to: The Professor -- Damien Rice
Thursday, March 09, 2006
accordian calenders
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
new bold
i rented and watched "thumbsucker" today. very good film. all music was done by the Polyphonic Spree, with additional songs by Elliot Smith.
Is art distracting me school, or is school distracting me from art?
or is something else distracting me from both?
Zen Album of the Day: Belle and Sebastian -- The Life Pursuit
Is art distracting me school, or is school distracting me from art?
or is something else distracting me from both?
Zen Album of the Day: Belle and Sebastian -- The Life Pursuit
Saturday, February 25, 2006
but each gate will open another.
Flight Volume 3 will be out June 2006. everybody get excited.
sorry i haven't been posting anything substantial lately. i'm too lazy, and most of my artistic ability is being taken up by favours to people, and the sketchbook journal which is coming along very nicely.
man i apologize too much.
Zen Album of the day: Final Fantasy -- Has a Good Home
sorry i haven't been posting anything substantial lately. i'm too lazy, and most of my artistic ability is being taken up by favours to people, and the sketchbook journal which is coming along very nicely.
man i apologize too much.
Zen Album of the day: Final Fantasy -- Has a Good Home
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
scripted lies
I think that sometimes there comes a moment in our lives when we wish things could just be a bit more like television. I know televsion isn't like real-life at all, but I believe that sometimes we just wish something we said was the perfect thing to say and not sound like some cheesy line.
Or you're with someone special and you just wish that you could say something totally sporadic, but important to the moment without them reacting like you're a total creepball.
The setting would be atmospheric, and the perfect song would be playing in the background just loud enough for the audience to hear the lyrics, but also be able to hear that one thing you've been dying to say all episode. Then after you've you've strung the perfect set of words together, the person reacts exactly as you want them to, the music grows slowly louder, the screens goes black, and the executive producer's name is displayed.
but life is not like that. and we have to ask ourselves, would we really want it to be?
Or you're with someone special and you just wish that you could say something totally sporadic, but important to the moment without them reacting like you're a total creepball.
The setting would be atmospheric, and the perfect song would be playing in the background just loud enough for the audience to hear the lyrics, but also be able to hear that one thing you've been dying to say all episode. Then after you've you've strung the perfect set of words together, the person reacts exactly as you want them to, the music grows slowly louder, the screens goes black, and the executive producer's name is displayed.
but life is not like that. and we have to ask ourselves, would we really want it to be?
Saturday, February 18, 2006
mostly trouble
Today i cleaned out my closet, and that took me most of the day. it was tres messy. it was like looking through a five foot by five foot by two foot time capsule. I came across so many old drawings, and doodles, and many other little trinkets of my childhood and highschool career.
The coolest thing i found was my very first sketchbook.
Yesterday was a long kinda weird day. i was done school at like 11 am, and had nothing to do afterwards except get into trouble. which i did.
there'll be comic soon.
Zen Album of the Day: Cat Power -- The Greatest
The coolest thing i found was my very first sketchbook.
Yesterday was a long kinda weird day. i was done school at like 11 am, and had nothing to do afterwards except get into trouble. which i did.
there'll be comic soon.
Zen Album of the Day: Cat Power -- The Greatest
Monday, February 13, 2006
worry is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.

So it's a been a while, eh?
sorry my computer hasn't been working so it got sent away and now it's back, and it's fixed. i hope you can read the writing in the picture. if you can't it basically says that i'm starting a sketchbook journal. i'll post the entry from each day on here. it'll mostly be drawing of people, objects, places, etc. The idea was inspired by Craig Thompson's "Carnet de Voyage"; a sketchbook journal he made during his time in France, Spain, Morocco and the Alps, while researching his next graphic nov: "Habibi".
anyways, the last two week have been pretty uneventful... sorta. I got into the Bealart program, and i'm pretty happy about that. There isn't much more to say. i'm not a fan of advertising my life on the internet, except maybe through a comic if the mood strikes me.
Zen album of the day: Elliot Smith -- Figure 8.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Happy Birthday Geoff
Sunday, January 15, 2006
put it in your laundry basket
this was the worst weekend in the history of weekends. when our grandchildren ask if we were alive during the second weekend in January 2006, we will say "yes unfortunately." and they will be astonished we ever survived something that bad.
By the way this weekened is now a deeply repressed memory, so never metion it to me again or you'll undo all of the therapy.
Currently listening to: Careful where you stand -- Coldplay
By the way this weekened is now a deeply repressed memory, so never metion it to me again or you'll undo all of the therapy.
Currently listening to: Careful where you stand -- Coldplay
Saturday, January 14, 2006
japanese serial number
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
So I realized that i haven't been posting anything in the "currently listening to" section so i thought i'd just do a post entirely on music.
here's my main playlist at the moment:
Casimir Pulaski Day -- Sufjan Stevens
Easy to Please -- Coldplay
Family Tree -- Ben Kweller
Falling -- Ben Kweller
Dienu -- Ben Kweller
Sleep Spent -- Death Cab For Cutie
The Legionnaire's Lament -- The Decemberists
Red Right Ankle -- The Decmeberists
Kidsmoke -- Wilco
Company on my Back -- Wilco
Weekends -- The Perishers
Across the Ocean -- Azure Ray
Jack the Ripper -- Colin Meloy
Penelope -- Pinback
Left and Leaving -- The Weakerthans
Girl Inform Me -- The Shins
The Greatest -- Cat Power
Everyone Needs an Editor -- Mates of State
Happy -- The Wrens
Hopeless -- The Wrens
Boys you won't Remember -- The Wrens
The Flurry (pt 1) -- Tracker
Guilty Cubicles -- Broken Social Scene
Anthem for a seventeen year-old girl -- Broken Social Scene
Shorelines -- Broken Social Scene
Elevator Love letter -- Stars
Monster Hospital -- Metric
Grow up and Blow away -- Metric
This Heart's on fire -- Wolf Parade
Spinning -- Zero 7
Hollywood Bedtime Story -- The Dears
Never Destroy us -- The Dears
Believing is art -- Spoon
The Two sides of Monsieur Valentine -- Spoon
Pink Moon -- Nick Drake
Don't die in me -- Mirah
Dreamboat -- Mirah
Phonecall -- Jon Brion
Ok that'll do it for it now. comic to come soon enough.
here's my main playlist at the moment:
Casimir Pulaski Day -- Sufjan Stevens
Easy to Please -- Coldplay
Family Tree -- Ben Kweller
Falling -- Ben Kweller
Dienu -- Ben Kweller
Sleep Spent -- Death Cab For Cutie
The Legionnaire's Lament -- The Decemberists
Red Right Ankle -- The Decmeberists
Kidsmoke -- Wilco
Company on my Back -- Wilco
Weekends -- The Perishers
Across the Ocean -- Azure Ray
Jack the Ripper -- Colin Meloy
Penelope -- Pinback
Left and Leaving -- The Weakerthans
Girl Inform Me -- The Shins
The Greatest -- Cat Power
Everyone Needs an Editor -- Mates of State
Happy -- The Wrens
Hopeless -- The Wrens
Boys you won't Remember -- The Wrens
The Flurry (pt 1) -- Tracker
Guilty Cubicles -- Broken Social Scene
Anthem for a seventeen year-old girl -- Broken Social Scene
Shorelines -- Broken Social Scene
Elevator Love letter -- Stars
Monster Hospital -- Metric
Grow up and Blow away -- Metric
This Heart's on fire -- Wolf Parade
Spinning -- Zero 7
Hollywood Bedtime Story -- The Dears
Never Destroy us -- The Dears
Believing is art -- Spoon
The Two sides of Monsieur Valentine -- Spoon
Pink Moon -- Nick Drake
Don't die in me -- Mirah
Dreamboat -- Mirah
Phonecall -- Jon Brion
Ok that'll do it for it now. comic to come soon enough.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Saturday, January 07, 2006
stirring furnace
"Blankets" is my new favourite illustrated novel and it will most likely stay my favourite. Craig Thompson is master story-teller, and in-friggin-credible artist. I suggest everybody in whole world read "Blankets", even if you don't like comic books you'll like it. if you live in Canada it'll set you back about 42 bucks but it's worth every cent.
emo comic to come tomorrow.
emo comic to come tomorrow.
Friday, January 06, 2006
i'm a cherry ghost

Iron and WIne is on the Late, Late show with Craig Fergison (spelling is obviously wrong but i'm not looking it up) tonight at 12:35 on CBS. so my suggestion is to watch Conan for 50 minutes then switch over and watch Iron and Wine, that's what i'm doin.
I bought "blankets" by Craig Thompson today. so far so great. posts about it to follow.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
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