Tuesday, April 04, 2006

spilling sawdust

i lost photoshop.
i need photoshop back.

currently listening to: Where Gravity is Dead -- Laura Veirs
Everything Reminds me of Her -- Eliott Smith
Another Sunny Day -- Belle and Sebastian


Anonymous said...

why a ghost?

Drew said...

I was sitting in art one day and we had just finished a test, so i doodled on the back of my page. the picture was of a girl holding a ghost on a leash. emilee nimitz saw the picture and laughed, so i named the little girl after her.

Originally the ghost wore a top hat and had a cane, and was a "preforming pet ghost", but i lost the hat and cane.

I want to make it into somewhat of a comic strip, but i just don't have the time right now...

Anonymous said...

This site is an outright joke. Who the fuck cares if someone is impersonating someone, is it enough to make your toast pop? I think you, drew, are relishing in the fact that people are actually feuding amongst your sad and attention seeking site. Out.

Anonymous said...

So, you're making fun of this appartenly, "sad", "attention seeking" site, and yet you're constantly checking up on it?

You're the joke.

Anonymous said...

Haha some of these kids are so gay. Hahahahaha is it enough to make your toast pop...?

Anonymous, I'm relishing in the fact that you seem to have failed to recognize that every single web site in the world is seeking attention, and if this web site is 'sad' then so are all of the millions of other blogger web sites.

And hmm...reading that over again; where is this feud going down? And I highly doubt that drew is 'relishing' over it.


I just felt the need to leave a comment, hmm. Out. I'm cool.

Drew said...

what's going on....?

Anonymous said...

What's going on Drew is that people are acting childish. Obviously someone loves you enough for them to hate you and comment on it... it's sad really, just sad. Actually, it's pathetic if you ask me. This anonymous person obviously doesn't have that much of a life if he has to comment on your site. Does he have a site? Do people visit it? I would like to know so I can knock it down a little.