Thursday, April 27, 2006

did you order a solution?

So i haven't really been drawing comics lately. i've been getting some ideas and crap, but nothing good enough to make anything i wanna spend massive amounts of time/money on.

In Art class for my culminating activity, i've decided to make a comic book (surprise) but the only problem is i don't have any ideas for something that could easily fall into my capability zone, writing/drawing-wise. The only ideas i do have are either too vague, too broad or the plotlines just don't go anywhere. I'll think of something though.

I dunno if anybody's taken a closer look at the new Central Rugby t shirts, but that's my design on the front. it turned out better than i thought it would. i'm actually really happy. it looks goood.

If anyone can make it this weekened to toronto, the Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon is being held at the National Trade Center, and some pretty sweet guests will be there, not to mention all the cool comic swag. Kean Soo, Becky Cloonan, Hope Larson & Bryan Lee O’Malley, Raina Telgemeier and Michael Cho will all be there, so go check'em out! Kean's table will be the one with the big Flight Vol. 3 poster, and will be promoting that book which is due out in june
unfortunately i cannot make it, cuz i gots no ride.

that's all for now i guess. i'll keep you updated on the progress of me trying to think of/draw the comic. and i promise i'll finish it tihs time... i have to if i want a good mark.....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

did you do the track one too? I saw some suspicious superman-type design on the front. thought that might be your handy-work.
and btw you could always take le train if you reaaaaaaaally wanted to go.

Drew said...

haha i gots no $$$$ for the train. and i did not do the track one.... but mr. mackay was pestering me to. i wonder who he got.

Anonymous said...

hmmm... you know what i think? I thin go to because he's an amazing rapper. and
and you should see everything is illuminated! rent iiiiit.