you know what i love?
i love when i think of something moderately funny to draw, so i can entertain you all, draw it, and then try to post it. but alas! when i go to post it there are errors.
i love that.
friggin love it.
wouldn't you?
sorry folks i guess my computer just loves to hate.... my work that is!
so have some Dumbledore.
currently listening to: The Decemberists -- The Engine Driver
je$u$ saves!
Drew, will you marry me?
Drew will be marrying no such anonymous person says I
that'll look good on the marriage license.
"Mrs. Anonymous Shannon."
hey burke, you're right!
and marriage sucks, so sorry no.
commonlaw anyone?
What's the matter with marriage?
I suspicious of the people posting as anonymous on this post. I think they're trying to come off/ appear as if they're me. I can assure you they are not.
well thanks for your assurance.
emily, how did you find out about my site, as well as kyle's?
that last post was not meant to sound hostile, if it did. i was just curious.
My friend Charisse Khan. No worries, I am not a stalker.(I would like to clear my name from that)
Emily, it just so happens that my name is Emily as well, and trying not to come off as you I posted as Em. And I'm also not anonymous. (just clearing my name from that.)
Em - I wasn't trying to sound bitchy / pin pointing you, or anything.I'm sorry.
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