On monday night i had the opportunity to meet one of my favourite illustrators, Kean Soo. For those of you who don't know who he is, he an artist who lives in Toronto and has had comics published in both volumes of the graphic novel, FLIGHT (www.flightcomics.com). He also has a website where he ran a comic journal about his life for the year of and around 2003 and also has a bunch of autobiographical shorts set to music (www.keaner.net). His current on-running comic is Jellaby which is about a little girl who finds a big purple monster thing. it can be found at http://www.secretfriendsociety.com/.
He and another comicker Ryan North were presenting at macmaster university in hamilton as a part of a series called the "creator series". They were discussing comics online and in print, and the pros and cons of both. Ryan North's site is www.qwantz.com. his comic is very unique, in that the pictures never change but the text is different everyday.
wow long post, but i was so happy to meet one of my idols! I just had to tell you all!
ooo, very exciting.
by the way, your illustrations at the suzuki assembly were really excellent.
where do you plan on going next year?
i plan on going to beal for the art program, then hopefully off to Sheridan, for a bacheolor's (spelling?)dregree in illustration.
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