Saturday, November 12, 2005

galactic rebel

Yesterday was Remembrance Day. Hope y'all wore your poppies and took a moment of silence to remember our fallen hereos.
I went to the market yesterday before going to the Knight's game and had coffee and drew a picture of a soldier, surorunded by a cross and poppies. maybe i'll post it later. anyways, the entire time i was drawing this picture i was kicking myself for not doing it earlier, because then i could've walked up to a random veteran, and given it to them. Y'know one of those senseless acts of beauty things. Well it was too late by then cause there weren't any veterens around to give it to, just crazy hockey folk. maybe i'll give it to my g-pa. he's a veteran.

That's all for now. nothing too special to report about. I gotta make a new comic for the school paper by tuesday, and the christmas comic is coming along nicely, i've never finished more pages of a comic in my life!


Anonymous said...

mmmmm. i know the feeling. i skipped the assembly (it didn't occur to me at the time that i *probably* should have stayed) and went to the cenotaph service and watched the veterans march. it was really, really sad, because even just a few years ago there were way more ww2 vets there and all the people there knew it.

i think im going to go to a old age home and talk to people. i always wanted to, but those kind of things have the tendency of just being dreams, you know?

keep up the great work. post that pictar, please!

Drew said...

ok burke i will.
and james, how's "up north"? lotsa $$$$$$$? anyways. hope your well.