Monday, May 29, 2006

hot and bothered

man am i hot. my house is a sauna right now. we're turning on the central AC in my house like tomorrow or something, but for tonight, it's another night on top of the sheets in nothing but boxers. oh yeah!

anyhoo besides that off-handed comment about how i sleep, there's really not much else to report, but i was sick of looking a t the same post every time i come to this site. I need to post some art, but you have no idea how much of a task getting the scanner out is right now. I got a smaller sized sketchbook on the weekend and have been filling its pages with random drawings, and some comics will also go in there. I have a comic to do for friday for school and that's gonna be one hell of an all-nighter on thursday, so i'm looking forward to THAT.

I bought Bryan Lee O'Malley's latest Volume of Scott Pilgrim (vol 3), and it was excellent, i love that series. it's HILARIOUS. go buy it right now. it's only like 18 bucks canadian for a copy. which is good. other than that i haven't been reading many GNs (that's Graphic Novel for all you non-geek folk) lately that are worth me mentioning.

i'll try to post some art soon

currently listening to: Portions of Foxes by Rilo Kiley


Anonymous said...

happy birthday hommie

Drew said...

thanks dude

Anonymous said...

hot weather is cool. as long as everyone is hot, not just you.

p.s. art please

Anonymous said...

happy bday too!
